Wednesday 8 August 2007

Update: New blog Design and Other Bits

Well, as you can see I've re-designed this place and, if I do say so myself, it looks a lot better!

All images, icons, backgrounds and the-like have been designed and developed by yours truly.

Signed On..

Yep, I signed on this morning but at least I'm actively looking for work (really!) So don't think of me as a leach on society but as someone whom you're helping out - like a charity or such (see, I'm a worthy cause...?!)
I have to pop into the Job Center every fortnight and make a record of jobs I've looked at/applied for/and so on, so that they know I'm not just, well, sucking them dry...
While I was there, the lovely woman who was helping me, managed to pick out a few possible jobs, which I've to send my CV off to later - (makes a mental note) - so I may not even get my first injection of cash!

In other news...

Heroes is on tonight, and although I saw this weeks BBC2 episode of BBC3 last week, I get to see Episode 5 tonight. So fingers crossed it's a good one! Last weeks cliff hanger was just good enough to bypass the "cheese" and come out pretty good, so it'll be interesting to see how we go this week!

Much love,


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