Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Quickie: Job Hunting

Well the time has finally come; say goodbye to student loans, wave your 7 day weekends away, it's time to get a job. Why? Well, because I feel it's my calling (see: I'm skint). OK, so what will your fearless hero be working as? A quantum physicist? Boring! A fireman!? Too dangerous! The next Hollywood actor/model? Yawwwn! OK, so what already?

Well, yours truly has made several inquires into the following areas:
Market Research
Market Research Clerk
Clerical work in the Market Research area

Haha! It's sad but true (although, admittedly I did make the job titles up!).

Anyway, like any 21 year old I have a plan (say again)! And working low pay temporary jobs is all part of that plan!

So peace out and wish me luck!

- Reality Unjustified BA. (that's right sports fans, Bachelor of Arts , you better show me some respectaa!)

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