This entry (I'm still not sure what I should call these; posts? Entries?) is two fold:
First: Xbox360 - Makes an early return.
About a week ago I sent my barely a month old Xbox360 back for repairs (it was scratching my discs and not wanting to take any chances, phoned them up - where I was greeted by a very nice young lady who told me I would receive my Xbox360 back within 20-25 days. I was a little gutted with the time scale given to me, but I suppose that's what makes this news so much sweeter). Yesterday I received an email saying that my beloved xbox would be making it's way - Homeward Bound-esc - back to me in 2 to 5 working days. So sometime before Monday/Tuesday!
Lets hope the bugger is fixed!
Second: Die Hard Four Point Oohhh
I'm off to see Die Hard 4.0 tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, truth be told - I think this is because of the similarily ancient Rocky Balboa experience I had earlier
this year, which saw me totally awe struck by what I thought was going to be garbage. I mean, Die Hard is such a great franchise and requires little-to-no brain power to enjoy. And Bruce Willis is just so damn great - such a lovely chap too.
Plus this time round we get to feast our eyes on the kick-ass Maggie Q (MI:3) who plays the 'baddy' and the delicious, and one of my favourite ladies of the moment, Mary Elizabeth Winstead (of Final Destination 3, Grindhouse and Black Christmas fame - pictured) who plays McClanes daughter (I bet poor Bruce feels old!!)
So, my thoughts on this film to follow probably tomorrow or Friday, along with my #3 for E3 (oh that rhymed!)
- R.U
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