Tuesday, 24 July 2007

E3 - Games I'm looking forward to seeing, but not as much as the other ones

There are 2 games that just missed out of my very exlusive list, they are as follows:


On this outing you will play as Niko Bellic who has come to the good old US of A to start a-new. Hailing from an undisclosed Eastern European country, Niko has come to Liberty City (based on New York - which was met with a sea of New-yorkers screaming "It isn't that bad over here!") to hook up with his cousin, Roman. Who has previously been telling Niko of his high flying life style, needless to say he was lieing and now Niko seems like he's going to have to sort Roman out himself, while trying to turn his back on his past crimes...
Niko arives at Liberty City, with hopes of going straight. Ha!

Tell me more, tell me more!
Details are still a bit sketchy, but here's a few confirmed things that may (or may not) interest any gamers out there:

  • Set in the year 2007 (aka nowadays)
  • Much more control over what you do and how you do it, and allow, and I quote 'The player to create their own destiny'
  • No planes due to there only being one city...
  • ...but helicopters are still in!
  • Stealing cars is made more realistic with more animations (breaking glass to get into locked cars etc.)
  • Mobile phones and the Internet become essential tools, allowing you to talk to friends, increasing relationships (for reasons still unknow...) as well as some internet/phone based missions (e-mailing a CV to gain an interview - ringing a 'hits' phone to see where he is in a crowd)
  • Old favourites: Ammu-Nation and Pay 'n Spray are gone. With the player having to call arms dealers to make specified deliveries or meeting locations and times.
  • You can use taxi's as, well, a taxi... Jump into a cab, select somewhere on the map, sit back and relax. Or skip the traveling and arive there instantly.
  • Release Date: October 19th (for Europe) 16th (Noth America)

Fallout 3
Fallout 3 is the 3rd in the series of Fallout games (currently under development by Bethesda Softworks), which also spawned 2 spinoff games (Brotherhood of Steel and Fallout: Tactics). This is the first Fallout game, however, to use a first-person perspective; allowing players to view from their characters eyes, third person or a the original isometric perspective, as with the original games.
The game starts off with an interest idea (see below for a run down on the games opening). You begin as many of us do in real life; with your own birth. At this point your (character's) mother dies during labour, and so it is up to your father to bring you up.
When you turn 19 years old, one morning, you realise your father has disapeared, leaving The Vault (an underground area that keeps you and your community safe from the fallout which has occured above). Venturing out into the world above, you go in search of your father. From here, you'll be presented with a world much smaller than that of Oblivion, but much richer and more compressed; giving you more quality of Oblivions quantity.

Remember, someone always has to clean up your mess!

Tell me more, tell me more!
We're still a long ways off getting this game, it's penciled in for the final quatre of next year (2008) so I wouldn't hold your breath. Suprisingly enough, we did get a walkthrough of the game which is explained below:
  • Main character creation is implemented by specifying the character's childhood. The character's mother dies in labor in a Vault hospital, after which the player chooses the character's Traits and general appearance during the father's DNA analysis. Afterwards, the father removes his surgeon's mask to reveal a face much like the one chosen by the player for the character.
  • As a child in the Vault, the character receives a book titled "You're Special", whereupon you'll set the character's 7 primary aptitudes. The character receives training weapons and a PIP-boy during childhood, and the player's performance in various tests determines the rest of the attributes. Additionally, there will be quests inside the Vault that influence the pc's relationship with his or her father.
  • Skills and Perks are similar to those in previous games: the player chooses 3 Tag Skills out of 14 to be the character's specialties, and the character will gain a Perk every other level.
  • Max level will be 20.
  • There will be a definite end to the game, with many possible endings based on good/evil/neutral events you trigger.
  • The Vault-tec Assisted Targeting System, or V.A.T.S. will be implemented. Various actions cost action points, and both the player and enemies can target specific body areas for attacks, inflicting specific injuries. While using V.A.T.S., real-time combat is paused creating a combat system that the Bethesda developers have described as a hybrid between turn-based and real-time combat.
  • The game will maintain the same level of gore. All gory deaths in the game will be shown in slow motion. One of the featured screenshots is of a super-mutant's head exploding in great detail.
  • The game will feature a new health and radiation system. The player can measure an object's radioactivity and gauge the effect it will have on the character.
  • Karma titles, similar to those from previous games, will grant Xbox Live Achievements on that platform.
  • The number '101' can be seen on the back of several characters' Vault suits. This signifies the characters home of origin, Vault 101 in Washington, D.C.
  • Characters will be able to create small blasts by targeting nuclear generators and using nuclear catapults.

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