Not sure why, but I thought I'd give this ago... (not that I've ever had any good experiences with organization or planning, but what the hey!)
(Or as those crazy Italians originally called it: "Moons day" - crazy cats!)
The Big Interview! (crowd goes 'OOoh')
And so the week begins, but what's in store for out caped crusader?
Monday brings me a final interview with SH/GEM Marketing and by the end of the day I should know whether I've got the job or not. Apparently they tell you there and then on the spot so it should be an interesting day. Hopefully I'll start the week with employment, but, if not then I'll probably get over it...
OK, OK, I get it. I'm slow, and should have listened to everyone when they said "It's great" but I'm way behind everyone and yo'all gotta accept it and move on! Not far into this season (2) and so far we've seen more double crosses than Jack Bauer has when playing Guess Who? We've also had Tweener R.I.P, Abruzzi R.I.P and Veronica (bye love!) get gunned down and poor T-Bag - OK, the guys a fruit loop, but he's got more screen presence than Darth Vader dressed as Santa Clause - has had his hand chopped off... Ow!
Well, I was supposed to have my other interview on this day but it seems that GEM and SH Marketing are some strange 'swinging' sales and market company. So they just asked which was closest and I'm to attend that one (Why didn't I say
What's on the box, fox?
Nowt. Tuesday gets the "worst day for TV" award
BBC2: 9pm - 10pm, BBC3 10pm - 11pm Heroes (double dragon punch!)
Heroes, only 4 episodes in, has gotten better with age. It started off... Ok. It was a little scattered and a little confusing. They, perhaps, introduced us to too much in too shorter time. But it's getting better. Although there seems to be a lot of originality in this series, it's based on a very clichéd context; people discover they have powers, unite and save the world - I'm presuming. Of course, the interesting bits are the bits in between, y'know; characters find themself, overcome impossible obstacles, find meaning to their life, find love, change destiny... And so on. What I think Heroes does well is who it has distributed the powers to; for example, the brother who always feels inadequate to his older brother, always wanting what he has, gains the ability to use other peoples abilities, when he's around them; Nikki, single Mum struggling to make ends meet, seems to have split herself into 2 personalties, adding new meaning to the phrase being in two places at once.
OK, Thursday is great for one simple reason: House.
There's a little part of me that niggles away at this series (just a little one) and it's, in the grand scheme of things, that nothing much really happens. You could probably watch the House episodes in any order and you'd pretty much get the jist of things, now, do that with Lost and you're getting nowhere fast. However, I love this show. There's no other word for it. I truly love it... I'm particularly loving the House - forcing - Wilson - to - get - it - on - with - the - wrongly?! - sexy - Cuddy (aka Lisa Eistien yes/no?) storyline. It's so clear that House wants Cuddy, even if it's just a fling. I would say that the finale (coming up soon, noooo!) will involve them two having a moment, or two!
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