I won't lie - this is me laid bare afterall - I'm a lost-obsessed freak. I'm signed up to FOUR lost forums, although I only actually participate in the discussion in two of them. Anyway I digress, we as a community of the LC decided that it would be great to role back the clock and start from the beginning; where the magic reared it's lucious face and wiggled it's fantastic behind...
The Pilot (that's parts one and two)
I'll return later with my initial reactions and thoughts,
Saturday, 30 June 2007
Quickie: The Great Lost Rewatch 1x01/02
Entry by
Reality Unjustified
What's this about? Lost, Lost Rewatch, Lost Season 1, Quickie
To begin with I want to apologize to myself both in advance and for my past actions; First, I apologize for the blog name - I decided to do this on a whim; I have small bursts of inspiration and motivation at times, it's a shame I can't sustain it!
Which leads on toward my second point. I apologize in advance for not keeping this up to date or totally abandoning it, as per my previous attempt at 'blogging' (which is made increasingly hilarious by the fact I can't even find it anymore to link to...)
Anyway, enough with my proverbial musings. During this small passage of time (since I began this blog) I think I'll change the name of this blog back to what I was originally going to use ("Reality is just a point of view") - the current: "Reality from my point of view" is both clichéd and drab. "Reality is... Just a point of view" - is a quote I devilishly stole from wikipedia's spawned quoting site (cunningly named wikiquote) section on the great science fiction writing legend, Philip K Dick. It's difficult to really know what he meant by that statement, not knowing about the man himself that much (though I fell in love... hard with his books). I wouldn't like to say if he believed in that quote or not. Alternatively, he could have done something that many others struggled with and that is to some up his work and 'genius-ness' into a simple sentence. No doubt I will rant on about his great books at a later date, but needless to say he specializes, not only in fiction that could, one day, exists; moon bases, ray guns and so on. But he also delves into the human mind and takes a kitchen knife to reality as we know it; removing the sugar coated surface which we all know, love and destroy and places endless holes of doubt and paranioa over ones perspective of time, life and death as well as everything inbetween.
I am also currently getting my PKD fix reading his short stories. He wrote well over 100 short stories during his life and I'm currently around 1/3 through the 4th volume of 5 (no I've not read volumes one through three and yes, I eventually will) "Minority Report" which was, yes, the basis for the very average Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg film. It's only a short story which I got through in little more than an hour but it's truly fascinating. I may do a full summary (foward-slash: review) of the story itself, if I can remember the url to this blog! I also read 'War Games' and 'The Second Variety' - again, both excellent short stories contained within the same book.
Moving away from that very interesting yet, less important discussion: I get my degree results this Wednesday. Up until Wednesday of last week I was butterfly-stomach free but now I'm all nervous and silly. It's not too bad, but it's there nagging at me. I just want to get it over with so I can look forward to the graduation ceremony itself penned in for the 9th of July not long after I receive my results. But I'll be there, surely, suited with gown and hat looking ridiculous yet at the same time feeling a million bucks (I realise we deal in pounds but we also use pounds to measure our weight so it doesn't have the same fantasy-sounding ring to it as bucks seems to).
Right, I've ranted on far too long. Time for me to sign out...
Entry by
Reality Unjustified
What's this about? Books